An Experienced Team Focused on Your Needs
At Focus Litigation Solutions, we focus on responsiveness, streamlining your litigation support needs, and fast turnaround times with a veteran team that is with you Every Step of the Way™.

Delivering solutions
and cultivating trusted partnerships

Court Reporting is The Focus of Our Business
With an extensive network of over 1,000 independent reporters across California and the country, we ensure access to highly qualified and experienced court reporters for depositions, trials, or arbitrations nationwide. From San Francisco to Chicago or your home office, we have you covered.
We Focus on the Most Accurate Transcript Summaries Powered by Focus Edge™
Transcript summaries are a vital tool enabling attorneys to communicate the important points present in a deposition or trial transcript. With Focus Edge™, we leverage the power of AI to produce the most accurate insights and summaries for our clients. Quick. Accurate. Impactful.
And the best part? This innovative service is included at no extra cost to our clients.

We Are Always in Focus and Seeing is Believing
Capture moments of truth with our experienced legal video team. They are available for any proceeding including depositions, arbitrations, and remote depositions.
We Can Focus on Any Language, Anytime
Our seasoned team of interpreters is proficient in over 200 languages and dialects spoken worldwide.

We Focus on Deposition Safety and Unnecessary Travel With Our Remote Deposition package
Experience dedicated and secure web-based deposition rooms with real-time technical support, accessible virtually from anywhere, at any time. We offer state-of-the-art security and screen sharing capabilities with private break out rooms. Parties can participate remotely by simply using their webcam-equipped computers or mobile devices with a secure internet connection. Seeing all parties live without being in the room is a very safe and secure way to depose locally or internationally.
We Will Always Focus on the Right Space When and Where You Need It
We offer complimentary services to connect you with premier meeting locations. If you need to be within a certain proximity of your witness, simply provide us with a zip code and we will handle the rest.

We Focus Crystal Clear With Our Document Management Department
Focus Litigation Solutions is a full-service Digital Print, Litigation Support, Digital Forensics & E-Discovery shop. From physical print/scan jobs to Digital collection and Electronically Stored Information, let our team of document specialists focus on your next document project.